Thursday, February 27, 2014

"12 Years a Slave" is too hard to watch

"12 Years a Slave" stands as a film almost unbearable to watch, with many people choosing not to watch and not even an Oscar win will change that. On Sunday night, director Steve McQueen's told the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South. Now he may win the Academy Award for best picture. It is arguably the most disturbing to some and extremely powerful film in  the past. Those who have watched it often leave theaters in a hush and find it very difficult to explain and show  how they felt about what they've witnessed on the screen. I haven't watched it yet but I'm not so sure  I want to. Yes i know it's a difficult movie to watch but as much as it might disturb and mess with my mind I am still willing to watch it. Oscar win or not it won't change that it is a very hard movie to watch but it's still worth watching. I think it's one of those films that show how terrible mankind was back then compared to how it is now and just makes you wonder which era is worse. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Oscar Nominations 2014

"12 Years a Slave," "American Hustle," "Captain Phillips," "Dallas Buyers Club," "Gravity," "Her," "Nebraska," "Philomena" and "The Wolf of Wall Street" received top honors as the nominees for best picture when the Oscar Nominations were announced whenever that was. "American Hustle" and "Gravity" had the most  nominations with 10 each. "12 Years a Slave" followed with nine nominations. I have not seen any of these movies, but heard they are great and some not so much. I will be honest and have only heard good reports from "The Wolf of Wall Street", "Gravity" and "12 Years a Slave". I really cant say which one to watch or which ones are better than others, but if i had to choose I'd go with the ones that got 10 nominations. A movie just doesn't get nominations for a reason, they are earned. These movies earned it and I cant wait to go see two of them and see if what they got is actually deserved.,0,6878721.story#ixzz2tvoqbN8R

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Wolf on Wall street

"The Wolf of Wall Street" has been nominated for Best picture of the year and director Martin Scorsese and star Leonardo DiCaprio will both have the chance to win an Academy award in this year's ceremony.  Scorsese, DiCaprio, Joey McFarland and Emma Tillinger Koskoff will be represent the film at this year's ceremony. Scorsese and DiCaprio were not nominated for the individual nominees. I think that's kind of dumb especially for DiCaprio which I think is one the best actors today. He has been nominated for three Oscars and has not won one at all which is ridiculous any one else agree? On the other had Director Martin Scorsese has won a Oscar for directing "The Departed" and has been nominated nine other times.DiCaprio is most likely nominated for lead actor for his performance as Belfort. I like him alot as a person and especially as an actor. I haven't watched "Wolf of Wall Street" but have heard it is a fantastic movie. I will certainly be looking forward to watch this movie.,0,3268612.story#ixzz2rHamSgMq

And an oscar nomination should have gone to..

When the Academy Award nominations are announced, there are often surprises, sometimes agrees or disagrees.  These nominations are good choices but are they really deserving? Many argue yes and many argue no, here are some possible nominations that maybe should of gotten an nomination.  There is a lot of  talk of Scarlett Johansson's performance in Spike Jonze's "Her," there's been many arguments that she should have gotten a nomination for her role in that movie. Either way she is still a very talented actress and a pretty good looking one as well. Another possible nomination would have been  The Australian actor Joel Edgerton ("Warrior," "The Great Gatsby") who was really great and gave a terrific performance. Arguably his best performance was in the very tense and emotional thriller "Wish You Were Here." Anyway these possible nominations contain directors, actors, actresses, and many more. So it really makes you think that maybe these other things such as actors should get more credit and recognition , just because they aren't as popular as others. 

Pirate in "Captain Phillips" treasures nomination

Barkhad Abdi. The actor, who played Somali pirate leader Muse in the  film "Captain Phillips" to great performance was born in Mogadishu.  his childhood wasn't the greatest, he used to play with marbles, and fly kites. He then fled Somalia at the age of 7,when a civil war broke out. He then fled to Yemen. His father was working there as a teacher, then 7 years later moved to the U.S. There he worked as a limousine driver and never thought he would be a actor. That changed when a acting role in his town was open for audition.He auditioned with some friends, all Somali people, and they were hired as a group. They  soon found  themselves acting in some of the biggest movies. Since the film's release in October, he has gathered about every supporting actor nomination available, including the Screen Actors Guild Awards and the Golden Globes. Now he's dazed to find himself an Oscar-nominated actor as well. His friends supported him, but never believed he can be in a really big movie. When he told them about the role in "Captain Phillips" they were happy but scared. So after everything in his life i can you can say he now has a pretty good life , and is definitely talented.,0,7939967.story#ixzz2sbkPDJKc