Thursday, February 6, 2014

And an oscar nomination should have gone to..

When the Academy Award nominations are announced, there are often surprises, sometimes agrees or disagrees.  These nominations are good choices but are they really deserving? Many argue yes and many argue no, here are some possible nominations that maybe should of gotten an nomination.  There is a lot of  talk of Scarlett Johansson's performance in Spike Jonze's "Her," there's been many arguments that she should have gotten a nomination for her role in that movie. Either way she is still a very talented actress and a pretty good looking one as well. Another possible nomination would have been  The Australian actor Joel Edgerton ("Warrior," "The Great Gatsby") who was really great and gave a terrific performance. Arguably his best performance was in the very tense and emotional thriller "Wish You Were Here." Anyway these possible nominations contain directors, actors, actresses, and many more. So it really makes you think that maybe these other things such as actors should get more credit and recognition , just because they aren't as popular as others. 

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