Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Wolf on Wall street

"The Wolf of Wall Street" has been nominated for Best picture of the year and director Martin Scorsese and star Leonardo DiCaprio will both have the chance to win an Academy award in this year's ceremony.  Scorsese, DiCaprio, Joey McFarland and Emma Tillinger Koskoff will be represent the film at this year's ceremony. Scorsese and DiCaprio were not nominated for the individual nominees. I think that's kind of dumb especially for DiCaprio which I think is one the best actors today. He has been nominated for three Oscars and has not won one at all which is ridiculous any one else agree? On the other had Director Martin Scorsese has won a Oscar for directing "The Departed" and has been nominated nine other times.DiCaprio is most likely nominated for lead actor for his performance as Belfort. I like him alot as a person and especially as an actor. I haven't watched "Wolf of Wall Street" but have heard it is a fantastic movie. I will certainly be looking forward to watch this movie.,0,3268612.story#ixzz2rHamSgMq

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