Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pirate in "Captain Phillips" treasures nomination

Barkhad Abdi. The actor, who played Somali pirate leader Muse in the  film "Captain Phillips" to great performance was born in Mogadishu.  his childhood wasn't the greatest, he used to play with marbles, and fly kites. He then fled Somalia at the age of 7,when a civil war broke out. He then fled to Yemen. His father was working there as a teacher, then 7 years later moved to the U.S. There he worked as a limousine driver and never thought he would be a actor. That changed when a acting role in his town was open for audition.He auditioned with some friends, all Somali people, and they were hired as a group. They  soon found  themselves acting in some of the biggest movies. Since the film's release in October, he has gathered about every supporting actor nomination available, including the Screen Actors Guild Awards and the Golden Globes. Now he's dazed to find himself an Oscar-nominated actor as well. His friends supported him, but never believed he can be in a really big movie. When he told them about the role in "Captain Phillips" they were happy but scared. So after everything in his life i can you can say he now has a pretty good life , and is definitely talented.,0,7939967.story#ixzz2sbkPDJKc

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