Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Oscar Nominations 2014

"12 Years a Slave," "American Hustle," "Captain Phillips," "Dallas Buyers Club," "Gravity," "Her," "Nebraska," "Philomena" and "The Wolf of Wall Street" received top honors as the nominees for best picture when the Oscar Nominations were announced whenever that was. "American Hustle" and "Gravity" had the most  nominations with 10 each. "12 Years a Slave" followed with nine nominations. I have not seen any of these movies, but heard they are great and some not so much. I will be honest and have only heard good reports from "The Wolf of Wall Street", "Gravity" and "12 Years a Slave". I really cant say which one to watch or which ones are better than others, but if i had to choose I'd go with the ones that got 10 nominations. A movie just doesn't get nominations for a reason, they are earned. These movies earned it and I cant wait to go see two of them and see if what they got is actually deserved.,0,6878721.story#ixzz2tvoqbN8R

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